POND PLANT CARE: Pond plants are essential to help maintain optimum pond water balance. They provide an excellent source of oxygen to the pond, give coverage and shelter to your koi, can be used to redirect water flow, and play a big role in the fight against algae. If you do not have an ultraviolet sterilizer added to your filter system, we strongly recommend using a variety of aquatic plants in your pond to help prevent single cell (green water) and string algae blooms. Pond plants fight algae by "starving" the algae from the nutrients it needs to grow. Pond plants absorb the minerals and carbon dioxide in the water, keeping the algae from taking root. Without adequate pond plants or an ultraviolet sterilizer, there’s a good chance your pond will look like “pea soup” for a long time.
It is important to properly maintain your pond plants. Without pond maintenance, your beautiful pond plants can quickly take over your entire pond causing harm to fish, pond imbalance, structural damage, or leaks. Dead foliage needs to be removed, roots need to be tended to, and repotting and fertilizing needs to occur to maximize bloom yields. We have broadly classified our favorite pond plants into into four groups: floaters, submerged, bog, water lily, and water lotus.
FLOATING POND PLANTS: Floaters are floating pond plants. The leaves and stems float just below or on the surface of the water. Their roots grow underwater. They fight algae, provide shelter, and look great in waterfalls and header ponds. Types of pond floating plants include: Ferry Moss, Duckweed, Frogbit, Water Hyacinth, Pennywort, Sensitive Plant, Parrot’s Feather, and Water Lettuce. ***Click here for examples of floating pond plants.
SUBMERGED POND PLANTS: Submerged pond plants are plants that thrive beneath the water surface. They grow well in gravel and feed off the nutrients in the pond. Fish love them, as they protect fertilized eggs during breeding season. Unfortunately, we strongly recommend not adding this plant to your pond. They grow rapidly, can completely take over your pond, and once introduced, it is nearly impossible to remove them. Types of submerged plants include: Anacharis, Hornwort, Vallisneria, and Cabomba. ***Click here for examples of submerged pond plants.
BOG POND PLANTS: Bog plants are also referred to as marginal plants. These aquatic plants are typically found on the edges of your pond, grow in shallow areas, prefer wet sloppy mudsoil, and add a lot of aesthetic beauty to the pond. There are various types of bog plants include: Cattail, Water Grass, Taro, Iris, Umbrella Palm, Fiber Optic, Golden Flag, Water Hibiscus, Papyrus, Cannas, Floating Hearts, Sagitaria, Forget Me Knot, Clover, Rush, Red Ruby Runner, Water Celery, Arrowhead, and Pickerel. ***Click here for examples of bog pond plants.
WATER LILLIES: Water lillies add an immense amount of beauty to your pond. Many people build ponds just to grow and harvest water lilies. The flowers come in a variety of colors and can give off a variety of intense, pleasant scents. Our favorite types of pond lillies include: Hardy Lillies, Tropical Lillies, and Water Hawthorne. We recommend fertilizing lillies 2x per month during peak seasons. ***Click here for examples of water lily pond plants.
WATER LOTUS: Water Lotus are typically everyone’s favorite aquatic plant. They arguably produce some of the pond’s most breathtaking blooms. Lotus’ prefer shallow water depths, just a few inches above the lip of the pot. They thrive in water temps above 70ºF and require lots of sunlight and fertilizer. ***Click here for examples of water lotus pond plants.
If your pond is new or old, large or small, North County Ponds is trained in a variety of pond care services including regular pond maintenance, on-call pond services, pond clean-outs, complete filter system installs, pond water treatments, system cleanings, pond sealing, koi medicating, koi and fish care, algae control, aquatic plant care, and all other aspects of pond and lake management. Call North County Ponds at 760-710-1632 for questions, pricing info, or to schedule a free pond consultation.
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